live as if you'll die
~~James Dean~~
What is defeat?
Nothing but the first step
to something higher
~~Wendel Philips~~
When you do not know what to do
or which way to turn,
this will relax your mind
and let sunshine of happiness into your soul
~~Dr.Orison S.Marden~~
A palace without affection is a poor hovel,
and the meanest
hut with love in palace for the soul
~~Robert Green Ingersoll~~
too swift for those who
too long for those who grieve;
too short who rejoice.
But for those who
time is eternity;
hours fly,
flowers die,
new days,
new ways pass by,
love stays.
~~Henry Van Dyke~~
If you must give expression to prejudice and hatred and
do not speak it,
but write it;
write it in sands, near the water
Our doubts are traitors,
and make us lose the good we often
might win by fearing to attempt.
No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success
until he
begins to look in the mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.
~~Napoleon Hill~~
to listen.
~~ Paul Tillich~~
Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in
looking outward together
in the same direction.
~~Antoine de Saint-Exupery~~
Obstacles call out great qualities,
and make greatness
Step bravely to the front whatever opposes.
~~Sidney Bremer~~
Only those who learned a lot are in a position to admit how
little they know.